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[2012.11.03] 施维亚 姬丝桃

2012-11-6 10:24| 发布者: migmig| 查看: 37006| 评论: 28|原作者: nayilus

摘要: 《艾曼妞》女主角施维亚·姬丝桃(Sylvia Kristel)逝于10月18日,享年60岁

《艾曼妞》女主角施维亚·姬丝桃(Sylvia Kristel)逝于10月18日,享年60岁

Nov 3rd 2012 | from the print edition







当记者问她自己是否像艾曼妞时,她笑了起来。她怎么可能像艾曼妞呢?她童年就读的是修女学校,智商高达167,会说五种语言。她来自枯燥无味的乌得勒支市,在那儿她必须工作抚养自己酗酒的离婚母亲。她个性中庸、品行端正、有责任心、“克制禁欲”。当顺从的清教徒施维亚在拍片过程中需要模仿口交姿态时,她花了大力气记住自己的台词,反复重拍直到该场景毫无瑕疵为止。这么做可以让她忘记自己做的事有多么“不道德”。大家告诉她没人关心她说了什么,反正最后她的角色会被配音。后来,她曾和克劳德·夏布洛尔(Claude Chabrol)以及罗杰·瓦迪姆(Roger Vadim)合作,并在好莱坞演出。在那几部尺度略低的电影中,大家告诉她没人关心她穿了什么,反正最后会脱掉。她接受了这些局限,也接受了她那灵巧脆弱的美让她终身定型、无法突破这一事实。



她真正获得的爱慕却零星分散。她有几位长期情人,其中一位比利时作家雨果·克劳斯(Hugo Claus)和她生有一子。她还有两段维系时间很短的婚姻。其中第二任丈夫将她的积蓄全部挥霍在了一个电影企划上,最后只给她留下了400美元。她红了整整十年,期间沉醉于唐培里侬香槟王和可卡因。在费尽心力戒毒戒酒后,她慢慢退居至阿姆斯特丹。在那里,她依然优雅,依然苍白,依然如修女们所教的那样挺直腰杆生活。








刚表态过的朋友 (5 人)



引用 discomize 2012-11-6 09:10
本帖最后由 discomize 于 2012-11-6 09:13 编辑

She was moderate


as the nuns had taught her

her young charges
说的是不是在Emmanuelle 7里接替她扮演Emmanuelle的女生?

文章真是 “charming”, and “innocent”
引用 joesu 2012-11-6 10:57
引用 nayilus 2012-11-6 11:16
discomize 发表于 2012-11-5 17:10
She was moderate


young charges有可能是指扮演Emmanuelle的女生,这里她的角色是个指导老师的感觉,charges可以指学徒,学生,下属的意思。
引用 yannanchen 2012-11-6 12:32
what is breaking foam? i have found a clue:

The product concentrate in an emulsion aerosol will consist of the active ingredient, aqueous and/or nonaqueous vehicles, and a surfactant. Depending on the components, the emitted product can be a stable foam (shaving cream type) or a quick breaking foam. A quick breaking foam creates a foam when emitted from the container but the foam collapses in a relatively short time. This type of foam is used to apply the product concentrate to a large area without having to manually rub or spread the product. Also, the active drug is more rapidly available because the foam quickly collapses.
引用 yannanchen 2012-11-6 12:34
this too, a pic though
引用 淘气包 2012-11-6 12:54
引用 tanwei1028 2012-11-6 16:07



soft-core sequels
引用 wayneyou 2012-11-6 16:44
long-term lovers?
引用 yannanchen 2012-11-6 21:37
explore les dernières limites de l’erotis

能不能译成 探索色情的底线?
引用 yannanchen 2012-11-6 21:37
explore les dernières limites de l’erotis

能不能译成 探索色情的底线?
引用 flysnow29 2012-11-6 22:50
wrapped like a gift in her white robe,
引用 sxn9029 2012-11-6 23:34
引用 天游yph 2012-11-6 23:44
soft-core sequels
引用 yannanchen 2012-11-6 23:51
这里的innocence 很有深意。
首先, 这种电影是softcore色情片。

Emmanuelle is a 1974 French softcore erotic film, directed by Just Jaeckin, and starring Sylvia Kristel.[3] The screenplay was written by Jean-Louis Richard, based on the novel of the same name by Emmanuelle Arsan (Marayat Rollet-Andriane).[4] The music score is by Pierre Bachelet

引用 yannanchen 2012-11-6 23:53
所谓softcore 有定义, 注意 simulated

Softcore pornography is pornographic or erotic film or photograph that is less sexually explicit than hardcore pornography. Softcore pornography is intended to arouse men and women and typically contains nude and semi-nude performers engaging in casual social nudity. The visual representation of genitalia (full nudity) is common in printed media,[1] and increasingly so in film[2] and television.[3] Softcore pornography also typically contains depictions of sexual activity, such as sexual intercourse or masturbation. The sexual activity is typically simulated. Softcore pornography typically does not contain explicit depictions of vaginal or anal penetration, cunnilingus, fellatio and ejaculation. Depictions of erections of the penis may not be allowed (see Mull of Kintyre Test), although attitudes towards this are changing.[4]

Portions of images that are considered too explicit may be obscured (censored) in a variety of ways, such as the use of draped hair or clothing, carefully positioned hands or other body parts, carefully positioned foreground elements in the scene (often plants or drapery), and carefully chosen camera angles.

In most cases sexual acts depicted in softcore pornography are simulated by the actors and actress with no actual penetration occurring. The actors may wear latex genital covers to prevent physical contact. Film directors go to great lengths to obscure such covers on screen, but often fail to completely hide them. The comedian Pablo Francisco joked about this "facade" during one of his routines: "The reason they call it soft porn [is] 'cause it doesn't get you hard."[5]

Softcore pornography is commonly less regulated and restricted than hardcore pornography, and caters for a different market. In most countries softcore films can be rated or classified, usually on a restricted rating. Depending on local laws, a restricted film may be sold, typically in a sex shop, hired, exhibited or broadcast. In countries which allow the hire of softcore films, there may be restrictions on the open display of the films. Also, the exhibition of such films may be restricted to those above a certain age, typically 18. The broadcasting of such films is most strictly regulated. Pornographic film makers will sometimes make both hardcore and softcore versions of a film, with the softcore version using less explicit angles of sex scenes,[6] or using the other techniques to "tone down" any objectionable feature. The softcore version may, for example, be edited for the in-house hotel pay-per-view market.

引用 yannanchen 2012-11-6 23:55

所以我觉得, 这个innocence实际上是 无邪, 贞洁, 也就是 女演员 并没有真正在性交。
引用 yannanchen 2012-11-6 23:58
She thought of innocence, too, as she prepared for the role. Innocence somehow married to vampishness, sending out messages that were at once contradictory and unsettling. Promiscuity married to aloofness, as the unattainable object of desire. She seemed in this film to give herself to everyone. But her heart she didn’t give. Her long, willowy body was rented out, to become the fantasy possession of thousands of devoted men. But her price was too high, and they would never have her.

引用 yannanchen 2012-11-7 00:00

When reporters asked whether she was like Emmanuelle, she laughed. How could she be like her? She had been to a convent school, had an IQ of 167, and spoke five languages. She came from dull Utrecht, where she worked to support her divorced, tippling mother. She was moderate, moral, responsible, “Calvinist”. Obedient, Calvinist Sylvia, instructed to simulate oral sex, took trouble to learn her lines and repeated the scene until it was perfect. That way, she could forget the “immodesty” of what she was doing. She was told that no one cared what she said; she would be dubbed anyway. Later, making films of a slightly tamer sort for Claude Chabrol and Roger Vadim and in Hollywood, she was told no one cared what she wore, as long as she removed it. She accepted these boundaries, including the fact that her agile, fragile beauty had typecast her for life.
引用 yannanchen 2012-11-7 00:10
本帖最后由 yannanchen 于 2012-11-7 00:12 编辑

She kept her mother from seeing it for years: and when at last she did, she said, “Is that all?”

is that all? = you did not do it. = you are still innocent.



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