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[2011.8.20] 土耳其和叙利亚问题

2011-8-22 17:38| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 7126| 评论: 18|原作者: Sophia2011

摘要: 土耳其对叙利亚的强硬言论不太可能与行动相对称



Aug 20th 2011 | ISTANBUL | from the print edition
045 Europe - Turkey and Syria.mp3

伊斯坦布尔的法提赫清真寺外的一个小咖啡馆里,一位有点络腮胡子的人捰起了他的衬衫,露出了两个大枪伤。莫蒂•阿尔伯蒂(Motee Albatee)说,“阿萨德的士兵打的。”一直到几个星期前逃离伊朗时,他还在叙利亚被围困的德拉(Deraa)镇担任一座逊尼派清真寺的伊玛目(译者注:这里的伊玛目指清真寺内率领穆斯林作礼拜的人)。叙利亚越来越多的异见者已经在土耳其找到了避难所。大部分人在边境附近的难民营里,阿尔伯蒂(Albatee)先生就是其中之一。有些人对土耳其政府不愿对叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德采取强硬措施而表示愤怒。叙利亚穆斯林兄弟会的成员耶亚•贝德尔(Yayha Bedir)坚持道,“土耳其必须建立一个缓冲地带[在叙利亚境内]”来保护更多来自战斗中的难民。就像围绕着桌子的许多人一样,他相信只有极端的行动将迫使叙利亚军队大量一起叛变,使得阿萨德先生的残暴政权垮台。


这些言论在网上特别火爆,叙利亚的推特者一直表达对土耳其试图让阿萨德先生结束流血冲突表示蔑视。当这个月初土耳其外交部长艾哈迈德•达武特奥卢(Ahmet Davutoglu)飞抵大马士革(Damascus)送交土耳其官员赘述地称之为“最后通牒”时,这些推特者们越来越愤怒。土耳其总理雷杰普•塔伊普•埃尔多安大声表示道,“我们已经山穷水尽了。”

阿萨德先生的反应是增强对手无寸铁平民的袭击,尤其是地中海港口城市拉塔基亚(Latakia)港的平民(见文章)。这激起了达武特奥卢先生(Mr Davutoglu)发出了至今为止的再一次警告:他说,土耳其将不会对继续的屠杀保持无动于衷。然而,他还是排除了干预措施来创建一块缓冲地带。因此,土耳其真正对它昔日奥斯曼帝国的领地拥有什么样的影响呢?

达武特奥卢先生大肆吹嘘“与邻居零问题” 政策的评论家表示,土耳其对伊朗丝毫都没有影响。然而这样的评论是不公平的。但是,正如政治学家索利•奥泽尔(Soli Ozel)所表述的一样,叙利亚危机已经揭露了“土耳其并不如它所认为的那样具有影响力。”

土耳其最近一次与它的南部邻居采取强硬态度的时候是1998年,当时土耳其威胁说要入侵,除非叙利亚驱逐土耳其被查禁的叛党---库尔德工人党(PKK)的领导人阿卜杜拉•奥贾兰(Abdullah Ocalan)。叙利亚人屈服了,而且,从那以后,两个国家之间的关系一直蒸蒸日上。在埃尔多安先生的正义与发展(AK)党的政府的八年时间内,两国贸易已经突破了三倍以上,签证已经取消,而且,部长级会议一直就是大张旗鼓的举行。(达武特奥卢先生(Mr Davutoglu)说,他已经访问叙利亚60次以上。)最重要的是,叙利亚已经结束了它对库尔德工人党的资助。

与叙利亚友好关系的重建也允许土耳其发挥了更大的区域作用。和平协议被以色列在加沙的袭击化成了泡影前,土耳其政府差点儿代理了叙利亚和以色列之间的和平协议。有些土耳其人希望,土耳其政府与叙利亚的接触将最终把阿萨德先生拉出他最大的靠山---伊朗的影响圈子,并朝着改革的道路上发展。(他被指控参与2005年汽车炸弹暗杀黎巴嫩总理拉菲克•哈里里(Rafik Hariri)[译者注:原文中说拉菲克•哈里里为黎巴嫩总统可能有误]被悄悄地忽略了。)所有这些更有理由相信是因为土耳其背叛的感情。



此外,许多正义与发展(AK)党虔诚的选举人把叙利亚的骚乱看作另一项美国支持的犹太复国主义阴谋而使土耳其反对伊朗。他们的想法认为,最终目的是让土耳其有自知之明。令人失望的是,主要的在野党共和人民党鹦鹉学舌地重复着同样的话,因为它所有宣称的改革都是在新领袖基马尔·基利奇达罗卢(Kemal Kilicdaroglu)的领导下提出的。

那么,土耳其的选择是什么呢?它可以撤回大马士革(Damascus)的大使,继续拦截流向叙利亚的武器并加强经济制裁。除此之外,正如奥泽尔先生(Mr Ozel)所建议的那样,土耳其应该停止承诺超越它所能做到的事情。

from the print edition | Europe

感谢译者 Sophia2011 点击此处阅读双语版







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引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-22 10:45
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-22 11:02 编辑


1. sanctuary noun plural sanctuaries

1 [countable] an area where wild birds or animals are protected and encouraged to breed
Synonym reservea
bird/wildlife sanctuary

2 [uncountable] safety and protection, especially for people who are being chased or attacked
to take sanctuary in a place
The government offered sanctuary to 4000 refugees.
She longed for the sanctuary of her own home.a place of sanctuary

3 [countable, usually singular] a safe place, especially one where people who are being chased or attacked can stay and be protected
The church became a sanctuary for the refugees.

4 [countable] a holy building or the part of it that is considered the most holy
the sanctuary of Poseidon at Sourvion
Women were forbidden to enter the sanctuary.

2. defect verb
[intransitive] defect (from something) (to something) to leave a political party, country, etc. to join another that is considered to be an enemy
A number of writers and musicians defected from the Soviet Union to the West in the 1960s.
She defected from the party just days before the election.
defection noun
[uncountable, countable]defection (from something) (to something)
There have been several defections from the ruling party.
defector noun

3. en masse adverb  (from French)
all together, and usually in large numbers
The young folk were emigrating en masse.

4. voice verb
give opinion
1 voice something to tell people your feelings or opinions about something
to voice complaints/criticisms/doubts/objections, etc.
A number of parents have voiced concern about their children's safety.
2 voice something to produce a sound with a movement of your vocal cords as well as your breath compare unvoiced, voiceless

5. disdain noun
[uncountable, singular] the feeling that somebody/something is not good enough to deserve your respect or attention
Synonym contempt
to treat somebody with disdain
He turned his head away in disdain.
disdain for somebody/something a disdain for the law

6. fury noun
1 [uncountable] extreme anger that often includes violent behaviour
Synonym rage
Her eyes blazed with fury.Fury over tax increases (= as a newspaper headline ).
(figurative) There was no shelter from the fury of the storm.

2 [singular] a state of being extremely angry about something
Synonym rage
He flew into a fury when I refused.

3 the Furies [plural] (in ancient Greek stories) three goddesses who punish people for their crimes see also furious
like fury
(informal) with great effort, power, speed, etc.

7. tautology noun  [uncountable, countable]
a statement in which you say the same thing twice in different words, when this is unnecessary, for example ‘They spoke in turn, one after the other.’
tautological adjective
tautologous  adjective

8. be at the end of your tether
(British English) (North American English be at the end of your rope) to feel that you cannot deal with a difficult situation any more because you are too tired, worried, etc
You'd better let her know you're safe. She's at the end of her tether.

be at (或come to, get to, reach) the end of one’s rope (或tether) 山穷水尽;智穷力竭

9. assault noun
1 [uncountable, countable] the crime of attacking somebody physically
Both men were charged with assault.
sexual assaults
assault on/upon somebody
A significant number of indecent assaults on women go unreported.

2 [countable] assault (on/upon/against somebody/something) (by an army, etc.) the act of attacking a building, an area, etc. in order to take control of it
Synonym attack
An assault on the capital was launched in the early hours of the morning.

3 [countable] assault (on/upon something) the act of trying to achieve something that is difficult or dangerous
The government has mounted a new assault on unemployment.
Three people died during an assault on the mountain (= while trying to climb it).

4 [countable] an act of criticizing somebody/something severely
Synonym attack
The suggested closures came under assault from all parties.
assault on/upon/against somebody/something
The paper's assault on the president was totally unjustified.

10. rule somebody/something  out
1 rule (as something) to state that something is not possible or that somebody/something is not suitable
Synonym exclude
Police have not ruled out the possibility that the man was murdered.
The proposed solution was ruled out as too expensive.

2 to prevent somebody from doing something; to prevent something from happening
His age effectively ruled him out as a possible candidate.
rule somebody out of something
[usually passive] (in sport) to state that a player, runner, etc. will not be able to take part in a sporting event; to prevent a player from taking part
He has been ruled out of the match with a knee injury.

11. erstwhile adjective  [only before noun] (formal)
former; that until recently was the type of person or thing described but is not any more
an erstwhile opponent
His erstwhile friends turned against him.

12. vaunted adjective  [usually before noun] (formal)

proudly talked about or praised as being very good, especially when this is not deserved
Their much vaunted reforms did not materialize.

13. boot somebody  out (of something)
(informal) to force somebody to leave a place or job
Synonym throw out

14. cave in (on somebody/something)
(of a roof, wall, etc.) to fall down and towards the center
The ceiling suddenly caved in on top of them.
related noun cave-in
cave in (to something)
to finally do what somebody wants after you have been strongly opposing them
The President is unlikely to cave in to demands for a public inquiry.

15. fanfare noun

1 [countable] a short loud piece of music that is played to celebrate somebody/something important arriving
A fanfare of trumpets will sound for the Queen.

2 [uncountable, countable] a large amount of activity and discussion on television, in newspapers, etc. to celebrate somebody/something
The product was launched amid much fanfare worldwide.
Despite the fanfare of publicity that accompanied its launch, his latest novel sold only a few hundred copies.
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-22 10:45
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-22 11:09 编辑


16. patronage
noun  [uncountable]

1 the support, especially financial, that is given to a person or an organization by a patron
Patronage of the arts comes from businesses and private individuals.

2 the system by which an important person gives help or a job to somebody in return for their support

3 (especially North American English) the support that a person gives a shop/store, restaurant, etc. by spending money there

17. rapprochement
noun [singular, uncountable] (from French, formal)

a situation in which the relationship between two countries or groups of people becomes more friendly after a period during which they were enemies
rapprochement (with somebody) policies aimed at bringing about a rapprochement with China
rapprochement (between A and B) There now seems little chance of rapprochement between the warring factions.

18. come close (to something/to doing something)
to almost reach or do something
He'd come close to death.
We didn't win but we came close.
The welfare state never came close to eliminating poverty.

19. broker verb
broker something to arrange the details of an agreement, especially between different countries
a peace plan brokered by the UN

20. scupper
scupper something (British English, informal) to cause somebody/something to fail
Synonym foil
The residents' protests scuppered his plans for developing the land.
Their chances of winning were scuppered by injury.

21. Engagement
being involved
4 [uncountable] engagement (with somebody/something) (formal) being involved with somebody/something in an attempt to understand them/it
Her views are based on years of engagement with the problems of the inner city.

22. yank
verb  [transitive, intransitive] (informal)

to pull something/somebody hard, quickly and suddenly
yank something/somebody (+ adverb/preposition) He yanked her to her feet.
yank something/somebody + adjective I yanked the door open.
(+ adverb/preposition) Liz yanked at my arm.
yank noun
She gave the rope a yank.

23. orbit

2 [singular] an area that a particular person, organization, etc. deals with or is able to influence
to come/fall/be within somebody's orbit

24. set

1 [transitive] set something/somebody + adverb/preposition to put something/somebody in a particular place or position
She set a tray down on the table.
They ate everything that was set in front of them.
The house is set (= located) in fifty acres of parkland.

2 [transitive] to cause somebody/something to be in a particular state; to start something happening

set somebody/something
+ adverb/preposition
Her manner immediately set everyone at their ease.
He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion.
The new leader has set the party on the road to success.

set somebody/something + adjective
The hijackers set the hostages free.
set somebody/something doing something
Her remarks set me thinking.

25. mount
1 [transitive] mount something to organize and begin something
Synonym arrange
to mount a protest/campaign/an exhibition

26. tighten (或turn) the screws <口>施加压力/turn the screws on sb.=put the screw(s) on (或to) sb.

put the screw(s) on (或to) sb. <口>对某人施加压力;强迫某人:If he won’t give us the money, we’ll have to put the screws on him. 如果他不肯给我们钱,我们就得对他施加压力。

27. sever verb  (formal)

1 to cut something into two pieces; to cut something off something
sever something to sever a rope
a severed artery
sever something from something
His hand was severed from his arm.

2 sever something to completely end a relationship or all communication with somebody
Synonym break off
The two countries have severed all diplomatic links.
She has severed all contact with her family.

28. wedge noun.

1 a piece of wood, rubber, metal, etc. with one thick end and one thin pointed end that you use to keep a door open, to keep two things apart, or to split wood or rock
He hammered the wedge into the crack in the stone.
(figurative) I don't want to drive a wedge between the two of you (= to make you start disliking each other).

2 something that is shaped like a wedge or that is used like a wedge
a wedge of cakeshoes with wedge heels

3 a golf club that has the part that you hit the ball with shaped like a wedge
Idioms see the thin end of the wedge at THIN adjective

29. mollycoddle  verb
(disapproving, becoming old-fashioned)
mollycoddle somebody to protect somebody too much and make their life too comfortable and safe
She was mollycoddled as a child. compare coddle

30. mullah  noun
a Muslim teacher of religion and holy law

mulla(h) noun. 1.毛拉(一些穆斯林国家对精通伊斯兰神学的穆斯林、伊斯兰宗教法律教师和解释者以及有学问的人的尊称)2.(土耳其的)省法官,毛拉 || mullahism n.
引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-22 10:50
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-22 11:14 编辑


31. dither verb
[intransitive] to hesitate about what to do because you are unable to decide
Stop dithering and get on with it.
dither over something She was dithering over what to wear.

32. flirt with something
1 to think about or be interested in something for a short time but not very seriously
   She flirted with the idea of becoming an actress when she was younger.

2 to take risks or not worry about a dangerous situation that may happen
   to flirt with danger/death/disaster

33. step up
to come forward
She stepped up to receive her prize.
step something  up
to increase the amount, speed, etc. of something
He has stepped up his training to prepare for the race.
The teaching unions are stepping up industrial action in support of their pay claim.

34. quell verb  (formal)

1 quell something/somebody to stop something such as violent behaviour or protests
Extra police were called in to quell the disturbances.
(figurative) She started to giggle, but Bob quelled her with a look.

2 quell something to stop or reduce strong or unpleasant feelings
Synonym calm
to quell your fears

35. bid
3 (used especially in newspapers) an effort to do something or to obtain something
bid for something a bid for power
bid to do something a desperate bid to escape from his attackers

36. constituent noun

1 a person who lives, and can vote in a constituency
  She has the full support of her constituents.

2 one of the parts of something that combine to form the whole
  Silicon and oxygen are the fundamental constituents of rocks in the earth's crust.

constituency noun plural constituencies

1 (especially British English) [countable] a district that elects its own representative to parliament
Unemployment is high in her constituency.
He owns a house in his Darlington constituency.

2 [countable + singular or plural verb] the people who live in and vote in a particular district
constituency opinion

3 [countable + singular or plural verb] a particular group of people in society who are likely to support a person, an idea or a product
There is a strong constituency of support for his proposal.

37. Zionism

noun  [uncountable]
a political movement that was originally concerned with establishing an independent state for Jewish people, and is now concerned with developing the state of Israel
Zionist noun, adjective

38. pit somebody/something against something
to test somebody or their strength, intelligence, etc. in a struggle or contest against somebody/something else
Lawyers and accountants felt that they were being pitted against each other.
a chance to pit your wits against the world champions (= in a test of your intelligence)

39. cut down to size
1.把…减到一定的大小(或多少)2.<口>使知分寸,使有自知之明:He has become too high-and-mighty lately. It’s time someone cut him down to size. 他近来变得骄傲自大,该让他有点自知之明了。

cut somebody down to size
to show somebody that they are not as important as they think they are

40. parrot verb

parrot somebody/something (disapproving) to repeat what somebody else has said without thinking about what it means

41. intercept verb
intercept somebody/something to stop somebody/something that is going from one place to another from arriving
Reporters intercepted him as he tried to leave the hotel.
The letter was intercepted.

interception  noun [uncountable, countable]
the interception of enemy radio signals

42. desist verb

[intransitive] desist (from something/from doing something) (formal) to stop doing something
They agreed to desist from the bombing campaign.
引用 migmig 2011-8-22 22:46

引用 squarrel2009 2011-8-23 22:36
Turkey’s tough talk on Syria is unlikely to be matched by action

引用 squarrel2009 2011-8-23 22:57
本帖最后由 squarrel2009 于 2011-8-24 22:17 编辑

引用 squarrel2009 2011-8-23 23:05
the last thing Turkey needs is a hostile Iran.

the last thing意思完全理解反了,它是指土耳其最不需要的是一個敵對的伊朗。如果對the last thing沒有了解,僅從上下文邏輯意思也能猜到正確意思。

the last :the least likely or suitable
引用 squarrel2009 2011-8-23 23:09
“We are at the end of our tether,” roared Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s prime minister.

at the end of our tether 指到了忍耐的最大限度,忍無可忍了

引用 squarrel2009 2011-8-24 00:06
Erdogan and Assad in happier days

in happier days似乎可以表示為"打得火熱"。
引用 squarrel2009 2011-8-24 00:25
本帖最后由 squarrel2009 于 2011-8-24 00:26 编辑

On August 17th, in a bid to quell mounting public anger, Mr Erdogan authorised the bombing of hundreds of PKK targets inside Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq.
8月17日,在平息日益高涨的民愤努力中, [逐字對譯,翻譯腔,不象中文表達] 埃尔多安总理授权[這裏該為“下令”“允許”]在几百个库尔德人控制的伊拉克北部内的库尔德工人党目标进行轰炸[什麼意思]。

[試譯] 8月17日,為平息日益升級的公憤,总理埃尔多安下令對伊拉克北部库尔德人勢力範圍內的幾百處库尔德工人党目标进行轰炸。

引用 squarrel2009 2011-8-24 00:51
本帖最后由 squarrel2009 于 2011-8-24 00:53 编辑

IN A small café outside Istanbul’s Fatih mosque, a slight bearded man lifts his shirt to reveal two deep bullet wounds. “Assad’s soldiers did this to me,” says Motee Albatee, who served as an imam at a Sunni mosque in the besieged Syrian town of Deraa until he fled the country several weeks ago.
伊斯坦布尔的法提赫清真寺外的一个小咖啡馆里,一位有点络腮胡子的人捰起了他的衬衫,露出了两个大枪伤①。莫蒂•阿尔伯蒂(Motee Albatee)说,“阿萨德的士兵打的。”②


[試譯]伊斯坦布尔的法提赫清真寺外的一个小咖啡馆里,一位有点络腮胡子的人捰起衬衫露出两个深度枪伤。他说,“这是阿萨德的士兵打的。”此人名叫莫蒂•阿尔伯蒂(Motee Albatee),曾在叙利亚被围困的德拉(Deraa)镇担任一座逊尼派清真寺的伊玛目,几周前才逃难至此。

引用 Sophia2011 2011-8-24 01:03
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-8-24 01:03 编辑

回复 squarrel2009 的帖子

引用 squarrel2009 2011-8-24 01:05
Mr Albatee is among a growing number of Syrian dissidents who have found sanctuary in Turkey, many of them in refugee camps near the border. Some are angry over the reluctance of Turkey’s government to get tougher with Bashar Assad, Syria’s president. “Turkey must set up a buffer zone [inside Syria]” to protect more refugees from the fighting, insists Yayha Bedir, a member of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Like many seated around the table, he believes only drastic action will force the Syrian army to defect en masse, bringing down Mr Assad’s brutal regime.

叙利亚越来越多的异见者已经在土耳其找到了避难所。大部分人在边境附近的难民营里,阿尔伯蒂(Albatee)先生就是其中之一。有些人对土耳其政府不愿对叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德采取强硬措施而表示愤怒。叙利亚穆斯林兄弟会的成员耶亚•贝德尔(Yayha Bedir)坚持道,“土耳其必须建立一个缓冲地带[在叙利亚境内]”来保护更多来自战斗中的难民----->(使更多难民免受战火)。就像围绕着桌子的许多人一样------->(与桌旁在坐的许多人一样),他相信只有极端----->(激烈的)的行动将迫使叙利亚军队大量一起叛变---->( 集体倒戈),使得阿萨德先生的残暴政权垮台。
引用 squarrel2009 2011-8-24 01:23
本帖最后由 squarrel2009 于 2011-8-24 01:24 编辑

Such talk is particularly loud online, where Syrian tweeters have voiced disdain for Turkey’s attempts to get Mr Assad to end the bloodshed.

引用 squarrel2009 2011-8-24 01:34
The government came close to brokering a peace deal between Syria and Israel

Yet Turkey is understandably wary of openly confronting Iran,
引用 ideaismoney 2011-8-24 08:55
引用 ideaismoney 2011-8-24 10:22
引用 yijiang2012 2012-3-2 20:10


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