
标题: 2014.12.21坎特伯雷大主教,最尊敬的贾斯汀-韦尔比 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-3-30 23:11
标题: 2014.12.21坎特伯雷大主教,最尊敬的贾斯汀-韦尔比
Kirsty Young's castaway for Christmas week is The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby.

Ordained as a priest in 1993, 19 years later he was appointed to lead the Anglican communion of over 77 million people spread across 167 countries. Hardly a front runner when the job vacancy came up he said that it would be "a joke" and "perfectly absurd" if he were appointed.

His faith has brought him high office but when he 'found God' at university, it gave him something a good deal more significant: a sense of much needed comfort after an often turbulent and uncertain childhood. Although his mother's side of the family provided stability, his father was an alcoholic and his childhood was punctuated by his parents' early divorce and significant money worries - one particular Christmas was spent hungrily staring out of the window as his father lay in bed all day.

He says, "When the church is working it is the most mind-bogglingly, amazingly, extraordinarily beautiful community on earth. It heals, it transforms, it loves, and it changes society."


他于1993年被任命为牧师,19年后,他被任命领导拥有7700多万人口、分布在167个国家的英国圣公会。当职位空缺出现时,他几乎没有成为领跑者,他说,如果他被任命,那将是 "一个笑话 "和 "完全荒谬"。

他的信仰给他带来了很高的职位,但当他在大学里 "找到上帝 "时,它给了他更重要的东西:在经历了经常动荡和不确定的童年后,有一种急需的安慰感。虽然他母亲的家庭提供了稳定的生活,但他的父亲是个酒鬼,他的童年因父母早年离婚和严重的金钱问题而受到影响--有一个特别的圣诞节,他的父亲整天躺在床上,他饥渴地盯着窗外。


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