
标题: 麦肯齐-E-艾萨克 圣母大学 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-3-15 14:14
标题: 麦肯齐-E-艾萨克 圣母大学
麦肯齐-E-艾萨克,印第安纳波利斯,2020年获得圣母大学社会学学士学位,目前正在哥伦比亚大学师范学院完成健康教育硕士学位的学习。Kenzie在校园和社区都担任过领导职务,包括担任圣母大学学生会多样性和包容性主任。从圣母大学毕业后,Kenzie在她的家乡印第安纳波利斯作为AmeriCorps公共联盟工作了一年,专注于公共健康问题,如行人安全和慢性疾病预防。她目前在印第安纳波利斯的非营利组织 "健康设计 "工作,监督两个历史悠久的非裔美国人社区的公园改造项目的组织和实施。在牛津大学,她将攻读人口健康方面的博士学位。

MacKenzie E. Isaac, Indianapolis, received a BA in Sociology from the University of Notre Dame in 2020 and is currently completing a master’s degree in Health Education at Columbia University’s Teachers College. Kenzie has served in leadership roles both on campus and in her community, including as the University of Notre Dame’s Student Body Director of Diversity and Inclusion. Following graduation from Notre Dame, Kenzie worked for a year as
an AmeriCorps Public Ally in her hometown of Indianapolis, focusing on public health issues such as pedestrian safety and chronic disease prevention. She currently works for Health by Design, an Indianapolis-based non-profit organization, overseeing the organization and implementation of park remodeling projects in two historically African-American neighborhoods. At Oxford, she will pursue a DPhil in Population Health.

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