
标题: 史瑞雅-辛格 耶鲁大学 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-3-15 14:09
标题: 史瑞雅-辛格 耶鲁大学
史瑞雅-辛格(Shreeya Singh),来自彭布罗克松,是耶鲁大学的大四学生,主修历史。在耶鲁大学,她是 "学生反对印度教 "组织的创始人和主席,她在该组织中组织了反对印度反穆斯林政策的全国性抗议活动,她还是南亚协会的政治主席和国际关系杂志的执行编辑。出生于印度的史莱雅也是一位在国内和全球范围内成就非凡的辩论家。她曾在国会办公室和美国总统竞选中工作,并在世界各地积极从事政治正义和人权事业。在牛津大学,史莱雅计划攻读现代南亚研究的硕士学位。

Shreeya Singh, Pembroke Pines, is a senior at Yale College, majoring in History. At Yale, sheis founder and president of Students Against Hindutva, from which she organized nationwideprotests against India’s anti-Muslim policies, political chair of the South Asian Society andManaging Editor of its International Relations magazine. Shreeya, who was born in India, isalso an extraordinarily accomplished debator, nationally and globally. She has worked inCongressional offices and on a U.S. Presidential campaign and has been active across theworld in causes of political justice and human rights. At Oxford, Shreeya plans to do theMPhil in Modern South Asian Studies.

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